Human Rights

March 23, 2011

In this day and age we all know how important it is to have ones ID document, in almost everything we do we are required to produce it. However there are many people even in there middle and later years of life who may never have had the opportunity to apply for their ID book. And so with monday being human rights day, we were so grateful to have representatives of the Human Rights Commisson visit us, as well as Black Sash, SASA, SAPS, and Home Affairs.

It was such a fantastic opportunity for members of the community to be able to apply for their ID books, financial grants and other issues that they needed assistance with. They were also educated on their basic human rights.

A workshop was also held which allowed attendees to delve deeper into the issues of ones rights in many fields and aspects of life.

Remember your rights everyone and keep a special thought in mind for those who fought for us to enjoy the equal rights we have today!

Much love…

1000 Hills Community Helpers Team